# *Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000* – 1982 ![book-cover|250](https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1390066118l/67542.jpg) ## Description In the year A.D. 3000, Earth is a dystopian wasteland, plundered of its natural resources by alien conquerors known as Psychlos. Fewer than thirty-five thousand humans survive in a handful of communities scattered across the face of a post-apocalyptic Earth. From the ashes of humanity rises a young hero, Jonnie Goodboy Tyler. Setting off on an initial quest to discover a hidden evil, Jonnie unlocks the mystery of humanity's demise and unearths a crucial weakness in their oppressors. Spreading the seeds of revolt, Jonnie and a small band of survivors pit their quest for freedom in an all-out rebellion that erupts across the continents of Earth and the cosmic sprawl of the Psychlo empire. For the fate of the Galaxy lies on the *Battlefield* of *Earth*. *** ## Book Data - **GoodReads Rating:** 3.54 - **Series:** - **Published Date:** 1982 - **No. of Pages:** 1083 - **Author(s):** [[L. Ron Hubbard]] - **ISBN:** 9781592120536 - **Genre(s):** science fiction, fiction, fantasy, science fiction fantasy, apocalyptic, post apocalyptic, classics, adventure, space, space opera, audiobook, speculative fiction - **GoodReads Link:** https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/769658.Battlefield_Earth *** ## My Data - My Rating: 4